Unlock the Secrets of Your DNA and Transform Your Health -

Harness the Power of Your DNA

Did you know that your current diet and lifestyle could increase your chances of health problems based on your DNA?

Peter Crone partnered with Kashif Kahn of the DNA Company to help you gain insight into your genetic code and prevent future health problems.

Learn from Peter Crone who has helped the best of the best to reveal what’s been holding them back so they can tap into their innate vitality through diet, lifestyle, and mindset and change their genetic function.

How It Works

You’ll want to make sure you have your 360 DNA test kit results before purchasing this workshop.

How is this DNA test different?

A generic DNA test will tell you how much risk you have. Powered by the DNA Company’s proprietary algorithm that uses 4.7 billion data points, the 360 DNA test tells you your likelihood of risk PLUS exactly what foods, lifestyle, supplements, environment, and health choices can help you reduce health risks.

Who should do this test?

Anyone who wants to understand what their health risks are and what they can do to reduce these health risks. With over 38 health reports included in the DNA 360 Report, everyone learns something new about themselves.

How old is the DNA Company?

The DNA Company has been publicly offering advanced DNA testing since 2018, while the unique process was under research and development for nearly a decade.